E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Co.
translated means:
E.I. is Eleuthere Irenee (du Pont)
Initials E.I. stand for a French proper name Eleuthere Irenee,
du Pont translates the bridge
de translates from
Nemours derives its origin from the early Roman word Nemora
and means woods. It is not translated but rather a transliteration into French from language of
the Romans. There is no such word, Nemours in French for this application. Nemours is a 'made up' word that looks and sounds
translated it means:
Eleuthere Irenee lives at the bridge from the woods, company.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Co
From the earliest days the du Pont family spelled their name at least six different
ways. du Pont, du pont, Du pont, Du Pont, dupont, DuPont,
Usually when the name was associated with family matters it was spelled, du
When it was associated with business it was spelled DuPont.